Walk around Singapore

Walk around Singapore

The current Singapore is one of the fastest growing points on the map not only of Southeast Asia, but of the whole world.
Who would have thought some 50 years ago that this city-state, which had defended its independence from numerous colonialists, would be able to take such a high start.

Today, celebrities from all over the world are striving to this world - royal personalities, show business stars, well-groomed businessmen in the company of dazzling, exotic and unique local beauties of the Singapore call girls category, as well as ordinary tourists. 

And this is not surprising: after all, over the past 20 years, the former remote place, dropped on the edge of the World, has turned into one of the largest pearls in Asia’s priceless crown.

Magicians of the "Eastern Miracle"

When serious political scientists, economists and observers talk about the incredible rise of China, Japan, Indonesia or Taiwan, for some reason they bypass Singapore. And, meanwhile, that most notorious “Asian miracle” could not do without this unique geographical point.      

As soon as he finally threw off the fetters of the fetters of colonial rule, he flourished miraculously. Previously, it was like - who just did not try to seize this strategic point:

  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • British;
  • Portuguese;
  • Malays.

All this, of course, had an impact. Moreover, even after gaining formal independence in 1965, the island was so poor that even drinking water had to be brought there. Then very few people understood that this place would become one of the catalysts of the Southeast Miracle. After all, absolutely everything was brought here, since the existing territory does not have its own resources at all.

Fashionable place

And today beauties of the Singapore escorts class, famous actors, show business stars are being brought here. What is the reason for such a flourishing of the former backwater of the Earth, about which 20 years ago no one had heard?

The mystery opens quite simply:

  • preferential conditions for business;
  • incredible natural beauty;
  • developed transport and social infrastructure;
  • the highest level of security.

In other words, no matter what race, gender or belief you may have, a walk along the embankments and beaches will give you real pleasure! Let this city and not replete with monuments, but one of its atmosphere, strewn with splashes of the sea surf, is very expensive. And this - despite the fact that prices are very affordable.

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